About Me

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New York, New York
21 year old on the path to finding myself. Hip Hop Dancer (VP of Culture Shock Dance Troupe in New Paltz) and Public Relations student at SUNY New Paltz. I may lack wealth, but I have a wealthy heart.

Friday, February 4, 2011


"What we see now is like a dim image in a mirror, then we will see face to face..."
-Ghost in the Shell

I'm going to start off on a good note, then get into the point of this post. So the good note is that I started working again today, and it felt great knowing that I'll have some form of income coming in. Times have been hard (as I'm sure most people who live in this country knows), but at least I'm going to attempt to save as much as I possibly can.

Onto the point of this post. I was having a conversation with my mother not too long ago (shortly before writing this post, I mean) and to make a long story short she said something that kind of tugged on my spirit: "I'm not sure if I was supposed to tell you." My question to that: what does that say about me as a person?

I really had to marinate on it for awhile. After she said that, I started wondering about my character. Am I that bad of a person that people feel that they can't or shouldn't come and tell me something? Am I that mean or that brutal? I will be the one to admit that if I have a belief about something, it can be hard to change my perspective if I feel that I have every reason to believe what I believe. However, when it comes to knowing things or being honest, I don't think that I'm a hard person to approach. Not to mention I'm always such an open book and feel that I can tell people anything.

Then again, I could be overanalyzing things. If things aren't meant to be said, then why bring it up right? It's just the fact that I had to question my character that made me feel some kind of way. I'll just have to do some extra searching inside in order to make myself a better person than I think I am.

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